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Here are a few frequently asked questions we have received from show choirs just like you!  Our 2025 competition will be held in our brand new auditorium!  We are so excited!! Please feel free to contact us at


1.  We will not be bringing a band.  Is an iPod acceptable for our music?


Answer:  Yes


2.  Will parents be permitted to watch the solo competitions?


Answer:  Absolutely


3.  How will the directors receive the Judges' comments?


Answer:  We will share a Google Drive Folder with you containing all of your judges comments.


4.  Will the Directors receive a copy of their performance?


Answer:  Yes!  We will share your performance in a Google drive folder.


5.  Do you by chance have photos of your set up for us to view in advance?


Answer:  Yes! We will provide these once you are registered with us.  We have photos and a deatiled blue print that we go over with each choir to ensure your set and students will fit in our space accordingly.  We work closely with each Director and their set crew manager.


6.  How do we register for the competition?


Answer:  You may register on this website under the "register here" page. Order of performance is determined by the order we receive your registration and don't delay.


7.  What form of payment do you take for at the event?


Answer:   Cash or Credit


8.  Do you offer food for purchase at your event?


Answer:  Yes!  We have a cafe with light breakfast options and several lunch options including homemade spaghetti and garlic bread,

Chick-Fil-A, Nashville BBQ, salads, grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans!  We can take cash or cards.


9.  Will you have merchandise for sale?


Answer:  Of course!  T-shirts are a favorite among the kiddos and we are certainly coming up with new options all the time.  We will take cash or cards.


10. Do you provide a Hospitality room for the Directors?


Answer:  Yes!  After all of their hard work, we offer a relaxing hospitality room just for the Directors, bus drivers and Judges with their own breakfast and lunch items.  


11.  I would like to volunteer for this event.  How can I do that?


Answer:  Great!  Please contact us at


12.  Will I be able to get close enough to see my student perform?


Answer:  We ask that the first three rows, center stage, be reserved for the current performing show choir.  If you need assistance with finding a seat for your student's performance, please see one of our volunteers.  They will be happy to help.


13.  What is the cost of admission?


Answer:  Ticket Prices:  $25.00 per person for an all day wristband with program. 



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